October 1960 - Halftown School at Tullydagan

Education in Tarry Lane was firmly placed in stone with the building of St. Teresa’s Primary School which replaced Halftown School at Tullydagan. The school was formally opened and dedicated by the Bishop of Dromore, Eugene O’Doherty, in October 1960. Costing £10,000, Bishop O’Doherty, when celebrating Mass in one of the classrooms, said that he hoped the building would stand the ‘test of time’! Fifty years later, it is still standing, and is stronger than ever!
October 1960 - 62 Pupils….Only 3 Teachers?

The original school had three classrooms, including a canteen, which acted as two classrooms. There were three teachers – Miss Hoy, Mrs Keville and the Principal, Mr Kevin O’Loan. In its infancy, St. Teresa’s had 62 registered on its roll books.
In 1970, Mr Gerry Fagan took over as Principal. During his twenty year leadership, the population of the school grew to 260 Pupils. This necessitated the employment of new teaching staff and classroom assistants, as well as the use of mobile classrooms.
1990 - A New era..

In 1990, under the leadership of the newly appointed Principal, Mr Sean McClean, St. Teresa’s celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. During the 1990s the school continued to attract a steady Pupil enrolment, and saw the first building on site since the school had been opened – the addition of a staff room, an office for the secretary and a toilet block for the children, after much negotiation with the Department of Education!
2003 - Growing from Strength to Strength
Entering into its fourth decade, and with it, the turn of the new millennium, St. Teresa’s continued to grow. In 2003, Mrs Anne Doran, was appointed. During this time there was a number of significant physical changes to the school grounds, among the most noticeable and significant being the removal of some of the old mobile classrooms, and their replacement with newer, modern ones.
St. Teresa’s, has excelled academically, placing the Christian formation and development of her students at the heart of all that happens each day. It continues to achieve highly in a variety of sports and offers an array of diverse extra-curricular activities.
September 1st 2015

St.ate of the Art
On September 1st 2015 St. Teresa’s opened the doors of a newly built state of the art facility to continue realising its foundational aim of
“Doing ordinary things extraordinarily well”.
In September 2016, the present Principal, Mr Eunan Kearney was appointed.
St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, 36 Tarry Lane, Lurgan, Co Armagh BT67 9LQ | Phone: 028 3832 3425