Access Keys:

St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh

Board of Governors

The Governors are ultimately responsible for the overall management of the school, and in practice delegate its day to day running to the Principal. They are required to meet a minimum of three times each year but in practice meet more often than this.

Their duties include:

  • The oversight of the curriculum
  • The control of the budget
  • Selection of staff and other personnel responsibilities
  • Admissions Policy and Criteria School Maintenance (shared responsibility with SELB)
Mr J News Trustee Representative
Mrs M McIntyre EA-Southern Representative
Mr B Magee Trustee Representative
Mrs M Evans Parent Representative
Mr P O’Neill Parent Representative
Mr P Casey Trustee Representative
Mr K Haughian Trustee Representative
Mrs Mulholland Teacher Representative
Mr Kearney Principal - Non-Voting