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St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh

News - Primary 6 - Mrs Daly

22nd May 2024
A special car landed at St Teresa's PS today!  Why has it arrived? Where was...
23rd May 2024
Today P6 enjoyed observing, sketching, painting and redrafting out portraits of various...
21st May 2024
As a class we went for a walk around our school grounds to use all our senses to...
20th May 2024
P6 thoroughly enjoyed this task. As the clay dried a few issues appeared with cracks...
20th May 2024
P6 enjoyed celebrating and learning about World Bee Day! The theme for World...
17th May 2024
P6 really enjoyed creating Viking ships using clay. Lots of opportunities for problem...
17th May 2024
Congratulations to Oisin, for being respectful, thoughtful and making responsible...
15th May 2024
Well done to Edwin for continued progress in literacy. Super work!
15th May 2024
Well done to Angelica for making great progress with her numeracy work. A great attitude...
15th May 2024
A huge well done to Eoin for the fantastic effort made in learning a tune on his...
9th May 2024
A huge congratulations to Freya for coming first in a recent dancing competition!