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St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh

News - Primary 6 - Mrs Daly

5th Mar 2024
Congratulations to Ola, who got pupil of the week for her excellent partner work...
28th Feb 2024
P6 enjoyed listening to a really interesting article on the c2k Newsdesk on Polar...
26th Feb 2024
P6 enjoyed working on mini projects using coding today. Great team work by all!
23rd Feb 2024
Well done to Annie on getting pupil of the week! For putting fantastic effort into...
9th Feb 2024
P6 enjoyed listening to an article about Children’s mental health on the c2k...
9th Feb 2024
Sir David Attenborough’s inspirational message about the need to address climate...
9th Feb 2024
Well done Pippa, lots of time and effort put into this work.
9th Feb 2024
Well done  Conor for great work using Mathletics. 
7th Feb 2024
Primary 6 learnt new skills through video clips and by taking part in group discussions...
2nd Feb 2024
Congratulations to Aiden on getting pupil of the week! Putting in great effort and...