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St. Teresa's Primary School Lurgan, Lurgan, Co Armagh

News - Primary 7 - Mr Barrett

17th Oct 2023
Well done to all our Primary 7 pupils who read out their speeches to their classmates,...
17th Oct 2023
Our Primary 7 class created their own bird feeders/ houses for our school garden...
17th Oct 2023
Our Primary 7 class started off Maths Week by taking part in an online IZAK 9 lesson...
6th Oct 2023
Our Primary 7 pupil, Valdini, showed off his Mathematical skills by solving the famous...
6th Oct 2023
Our Primary 7 class are learning all about Engineering, Technology, Science and Maths...
6th Oct 2023
Our Primary 7 class had our first ICT Coding lesson through Lego Mindstorms! We can’t...